Reconstruction of the Sokolov wastewater treatment plant was completed in January 2015 within the project entitled “Intensification of the Sokolov Wastewater Treatment Plant – Stage 1”. The supplies and services provided by our company involved electrical installation, the technological part of the electrical installation and the technological process management system for the biological, gas and sludge management, thickening and dehydration lines, including mains for the output of a new biogas cogeneration unit based on our own project design. Reconstruction of the flood pumping station and the “Lower Zone” wastewater pumping station also formed a part of this project.
Stage 1of the reconstruction, carried out under full operation starting in 2013, involved the gradual modification and supply of the electrical distribution equipment and the technological process management system, supply and assembly of field instrumentation, supply and assembly of cable connections, including optic communication, and supply of programs, user and visualisation applications, including activation and tuning.